

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

She's walkin', yes indeed

We are borrowing a walker, also known as a gait trainer, called a Kid Walk.  We have tried 3-4 different walkers and none have been right for Lu, until the Kid Walk! And then Lucy's smarty pants PT rigged up a little pully and rope to make it so she must alternate her feet and get her toes down onto the floor, which is what needs to happen to propel the walker forward. It's super exciting and here is a little clip of Lucy's success!


  1. So awesome! ! Way to go Lucy! !

  2. I'm so happy we finally found something that works! I can't believe she's going to be three so soon! I'm going to miss hanging out with you guys 3x a week!
    -Lucy's smarty pants PT :)

  3. Lu should be very proud of herself!! Such an amzing young girl!
